Friday, September 12, 2008

When Miranda's siblings go to school ....

...she is left to her own devices. Today she was a rock star. Note Mommy's glasses, her sister's very sparkly scarf, and Celie's very fashionable mules. The attitude is all her though. I'd say she fits the part very well.

When life gets tough, get a helmet....

and goof off with a few of your best friends. I was at the army surplus store shopping for an event (Our job always takes us on some pretty bizarre adventures) and realized just how lucky I am to be surrounded by such great friends. From Left to right it's: Vallary, I, Corinne and Cindi and we always seem to enjoy ourselves- even in Kevlar helmets. I've known most of these girls since jr high and highschool.

Not too shabby, eh? Send us to the sandbox.... the little one, where we can make castles- that is.

Family outings....

are always a lot of fun, especially when the girls get to go exploring. Today Daddy decided to go feed the ducks. As always, a trip to feed the ducks is never the same unless we stop at the donut shop for some Sunny delight and a few sprinkled donut holes. Jonny was busy playing with his buddys in the canyon, so it was just the girls this time.