Wednesday, December 24, 2008

A North Pole Hoedown

Jeremy, His wife Krissy, David & I went to the annual North Pole Hoedown. We worked really hard on the choreography- I hope you enjoy it.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Boise State Poinsetta Bowl....

... was a lot of fun even if they lost by one point. David & I escaped the children for an evening of Nachos, soda and lots of rowdy fun. I loved all the spirited fans and the pep rally the most- the game was fun too. David enjoyed being around so many people from Idaho.

So I used to play the flute.....

... but NEVER like this!

This amazing gentleman is "beat-boxing"- creating a series of rythms using only his mouth while playing the flute. (Funny, Jonny asked if I could do this: not in a million years. I may own a flute but I deperately lack rhythm)

Monday, December 22, 2008

Feelin froggy this morning...

...sometimes sillyness is the ONLY answer.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Why didn't I think of this?

I have found an amazing tool for moms online! They're called calendots. They are little sticker dots with activities on them... doctors appointments, birthdays (or the parent teacher meetings one your see here). They even have ones for bills due. I am impressed. Oh the uses!
You can find them here: calendots

Friday, December 19, 2008

Happy 7th Birthday Celie

Celie turned 7 today- I am still amazed how fast time has flown by.

A video for our loved ones who couldn't be there:

CBU Class of 2008

My brother graduated today from California Baptist University with his bachelors in English Literature. We had quite a cheering section in the stands. He plans to attend nursing school while being employed as a paramedic.

Here's a video of Jeremy receiving his diploma, "Jeremy Jason SLoyer" :

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Cheap entertinment....

...has lead me to the discovery of my most favorite website: Myspace Kareoke.

Here are a few songs I "recorded". I dare you to try a few of your own. You'll be hooked. I promise.

Monday, December 15, 2008

How dinosaurs REALLY died.

Jonathan finds this absolutely hilarious! We found it on YouTube. Try to channel your inner aLmost 12 year old.

Pause the soundtrack on the right before you play the video.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Giggles and Geography

The kids received a trinket from our soldier friend in Afghanistan. Here's what Miranda had to say about it :
(I apologise for the neck cramp in advance)

And Celie:

And giggly Alyssa:

And Jonathan:

Friday, December 5, 2008

A trip to Knotts

Our family volunteered at the 40th infantry division's family readiness deployment briefing and was rewarded with passes to Knotts Berry Farm in Buena Park. This was our first trip to Knotts as an entire family, as we normally just take a few kids at a time to ensure David and I keep our sanity. The kids had a blast. They all really enjoyed the log ride, even David, and we rode it 3 times in a row! Alyssa even went on her 1st roller coaster and didn't get sick... phew!

When we finally get all the kids in one place....

...this is the picture you get.

The kids are posing for a picture in Camp Snoopy at Knott's Berry Farm.

Monday, December 1, 2008

California Snow Bunny?

Miranda accompanied Aunt Corinne on her trip to Paso Robles, her home town. This is how she came down stairs after we told her to pack her things and get dressed- Notice the sweater and Ugg boots. We need to take her to the snow.