Wednesday, December 24, 2008

A North Pole Hoedown

Jeremy, His wife Krissy, David & I went to the annual North Pole Hoedown. We worked really hard on the choreography- I hope you enjoy it.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Boise State Poinsetta Bowl....

... was a lot of fun even if they lost by one point. David & I escaped the children for an evening of Nachos, soda and lots of rowdy fun. I loved all the spirited fans and the pep rally the most- the game was fun too. David enjoyed being around so many people from Idaho.

So I used to play the flute.....

... but NEVER like this!

This amazing gentleman is "beat-boxing"- creating a series of rythms using only his mouth while playing the flute. (Funny, Jonny asked if I could do this: not in a million years. I may own a flute but I deperately lack rhythm)

Monday, December 22, 2008

Feelin froggy this morning...

...sometimes sillyness is the ONLY answer.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Why didn't I think of this?

I have found an amazing tool for moms online! They're called calendots. They are little sticker dots with activities on them... doctors appointments, birthdays (or the parent teacher meetings one your see here). They even have ones for bills due. I am impressed. Oh the uses!
You can find them here: calendots

Friday, December 19, 2008

Happy 7th Birthday Celie

Celie turned 7 today- I am still amazed how fast time has flown by.

A video for our loved ones who couldn't be there:

CBU Class of 2008

My brother graduated today from California Baptist University with his bachelors in English Literature. We had quite a cheering section in the stands. He plans to attend nursing school while being employed as a paramedic.

Here's a video of Jeremy receiving his diploma, "Jeremy Jason SLoyer" :

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Cheap entertinment....

...has lead me to the discovery of my most favorite website: Myspace Kareoke.

Here are a few songs I "recorded". I dare you to try a few of your own. You'll be hooked. I promise.

Monday, December 15, 2008

How dinosaurs REALLY died.

Jonathan finds this absolutely hilarious! We found it on YouTube. Try to channel your inner aLmost 12 year old.

Pause the soundtrack on the right before you play the video.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Giggles and Geography

The kids received a trinket from our soldier friend in Afghanistan. Here's what Miranda had to say about it :
(I apologise for the neck cramp in advance)

And Celie:

And giggly Alyssa:

And Jonathan:

Friday, December 5, 2008

A trip to Knotts

Our family volunteered at the 40th infantry division's family readiness deployment briefing and was rewarded with passes to Knotts Berry Farm in Buena Park. This was our first trip to Knotts as an entire family, as we normally just take a few kids at a time to ensure David and I keep our sanity. The kids had a blast. They all really enjoyed the log ride, even David, and we rode it 3 times in a row! Alyssa even went on her 1st roller coaster and didn't get sick... phew!

When we finally get all the kids in one place....

...this is the picture you get.

The kids are posing for a picture in Camp Snoopy at Knott's Berry Farm.

Monday, December 1, 2008

California Snow Bunny?

Miranda accompanied Aunt Corinne on her trip to Paso Robles, her home town. This is how she came down stairs after we told her to pack her things and get dressed- Notice the sweater and Ugg boots. We need to take her to the snow.

Monday, November 17, 2008

A magnificent sight....

This was the view of the sky above our house as we were loading up the car for Thanksgiving. Miranda swears she saw Jesus up there!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Grandma Faith's birthday...

sure was fun! We all had a fabulous dinner at the Trabuco Oaks Steakhouse. The kids enjoyed having their ties cut off. (I was glad to see them go too! They were hideous!)

Thursday, October 30, 2008

On the road again.....

David and I traveled to Idaho. We visited David's dad Ray in Pocatello, His aunt and Uncle in Pocatello and His Grandparent's Farm in Virginia. Here are a few photos from the trip.

Friday, September 12, 2008

When Miranda's siblings go to school ....

...she is left to her own devices. Today she was a rock star. Note Mommy's glasses, her sister's very sparkly scarf, and Celie's very fashionable mules. The attitude is all her though. I'd say she fits the part very well.

When life gets tough, get a helmet....

and goof off with a few of your best friends. I was at the army surplus store shopping for an event (Our job always takes us on some pretty bizarre adventures) and realized just how lucky I am to be surrounded by such great friends. From Left to right it's: Vallary, I, Corinne and Cindi and we always seem to enjoy ourselves- even in Kevlar helmets. I've known most of these girls since jr high and highschool.

Not too shabby, eh? Send us to the sandbox.... the little one, where we can make castles- that is.

Family outings....

are always a lot of fun, especially when the girls get to go exploring. Today Daddy decided to go feed the ducks. As always, a trip to feed the ducks is never the same unless we stop at the donut shop for some Sunny delight and a few sprinkled donut holes. Jonny was busy playing with his buddys in the canyon, so it was just the girls this time.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Am I being a brat when I say....

.... that I am tired of authors writing about the price tag of my business? I guess I should just take the advice of my lawyer when he says "All publicity is good publicity."
An article was written in the OC Register about our business. We are stoked. I am even more stoked that they talked about my first love- my kids and my second love (albeit a very close second) David. What a strange roller coaster this year has been and I am certain the ride has just begun. Fasten your seat belts. At times I don't know weather to puke or throw my hands in the air and say "whee!"
Sidenote: remind me later to blog about the bizarre occurrence that is my answering machine oracle.

Here's a pic of Vallary, Me and Corinne- the 3 caballeros- well, not exactly- I just don't know how to say "people who throw fabulous parties" in Spanish.
Fiestanistas? ... that'll do. The tres fiestaniestas and one levitating monkey.

Let me be the first to apologise....

.... for not posting in what seems like a lifetime. I'm a slacker.

No excuses.

Frog and snails and big bushy beards....

....apparently that's what Idaho boys are made of.

David and the kids (sans Miranda) were lucky enough to escape to Idaho for a while this summer. I am just a wee bit jealous of all the fishin, hikin', and off roadin. Here are a few highlights of their trip- Yes, Idaho is really THAT beautiful. (In case you missed him, David is the one really getting into "mountain man mode"):

I dream of tea parties and pixie dust.....

and then I get into my pajamas and hop into bed.

I love my job. Not many people can say they deal in the business of dancing teacups and flying elephants. I commute to work on a flying unicorn and pass the day befriending pixies and determining weather pink sprinkles are actually tastier than their white counterparts.

These images, long overdue as they may be, are from our Tea parties at the Laguna Playhouse in Laguna beach, Ca. We had a fantastic time turning their conference room into a royal princess boudoir and transforming their stage into a petite garden tea party for 12.

It was a ton of fun and a ton of work- if, in these pictures, you cant see us limping from the two flights of stairs and zero elevators to carry all 41 sandbags used to hold the pipe and drape in place or the bruised shins and scraped knuckles from the half hour we had in between celebrations to clear the entire party off the stage before the next performance- then we have done our job. If you can see the glimmer of anticipation and excitement in each little girls eyes as they live a honest to goodness real, live fairytale- then we have done our job well. I hope these pictures give you a taste of the magic and wonder that I so selfishly indulge in "at the office" on a daily basis -To say it's a blessing is the understatement of the century.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Like manna from heaven....

God provides exactly what you need when you need it. Consider this my "framed first dollar."

Corinne and I have endured the business doldrums these past few months and even with the CNN article I was wondering if I had web halitosis or a bizarre booger on my bio page because the calls just weren't coming in. We had a gangbusters January- our biggest month ever and then...nothing. Then, out of the blue, we received this check (all important numbers have been blurred to protect the We booked a tea party on the stage of one of our local (and renowned) playhouses last September. I, with my spectacular memory, forgot. (I know, great business tactic, right?) So we are on our way to planning an awesome party for them and 2 lucky 8 year olds. I'll upload pictres once we finish the party (May 10 & 17th)

Thursday, April 24, 2008

15 minutes fame...

... has been more tiring than I imagined. I usually don't talk about work on this site but David insisted that I post this here.

So, Corinne and I were blessed enough to receive a mention in an article on - I know, how crazy is that? Our baby, Over the Top Productions is growing up. And to top it all off, the article remained in the top 10 for 2 days. Yes, the same top 10 international news list as the Pope visiting New York?!? Needless to say, we are extremely excited. Interesting enough, it seems that news follows news. So we have received inquiries from Fox news, and Inside edition and our local paper the Orange County Register this past week... we'll see if any of that pans out. If it does- I will surely post it here.

Thanks for joining me on this wild ride I call my life. It's not so scary heading off into the great unknown knowing that there are so many people out there lovin' on you and wishing you the best. I am blessed indeed!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

First there was dirt....

... then there was this. Construction is well underway for our new garage and "storage area." Bright and early the crew is there to make sure that we dont sleep in. I will be glad when the mess and Spanish polka is gone for good. In case youre not sure what youre looking at we are building a 3 car garage with a space up above for an apartment- someday. For right now- as far as the county is concerned- its just a massive storage area with sky lights, recessed lighting and sliding glass door.
To the left are picture of the stage that the house is in currently- a premered mess.The siding and roof have gone up. Windows and doors installed. Stairs... but no railings. The first picture is a view from the "street" The tan structure attached to the white structure is our house. Those beams between span a good 20 feet and are about a foot and a half thick. They make up the supports for the breezeway and carport. The second and third pictures show the rear of the structure, which is actually the entrance to the "storage area." Its hard to get a real good view because of the oak tree that hides the porch so well. There's enough room on the balcony to have a cute mid size cafe table. If we ever want to have coffee and reflect on our storage Secretly, I am envisioning an office where I dont have to shush the kids when an important client phones in. (And a place to stay for the in laws- in between vacation homes- so they can visit more often)

Guilt and Photoshop

...promted me to post these pictes. They're a bit better of the grand kids. I added names and now they have a bit of a dorky brady bunch feel ...Lol. Hopefully this one doesnt give you a headache from eye strain and loaded sometime this century.

Melted chocolate bunnies and empty plastic eggs...

... were all that remained of this Easter holiday spent at Faith and Gary Hoffman's house (my mom and step dad). I always enjoy the holidays. Maybe it's having most of the people I love all in one place. (To have them all, yes- you included, would be a dream come true.)
For the Easter pics, I tried something new... putting all my pictures in one jpeg. Its easier to upload but the pics seem so tiny. Sorry for all of you optically challenged. This blog thing is a work in progress for sure. The top picture is the girls Easter tea table that Corinne and I designed. The girls definitely benefit from Mom's business. This was our take on a county spring time tea. Little blue and white polka dot napkins. Yellow bubble gum eggs in white porcelain egg cups. It was adorable and made me want to be a "little princess" again so that I could fit in their chairs and have "tea" right along with them.
The next picture (left) is Nanna- the family dog. Her whole name (why my mother let the kids name her dog is beyond me) is "Nanna Anne Queen of England Hoffman." Not very diplomatic but it worked for them. Nanna- as we all call her, enjoyed chasing the kids and "hoovering" their scraps. Makes me almost wish I had a dog.
Next is Celie and her fabulous hula-hoop trickery. She spent a better part of 3 hours perfecting this trick and making sure everyone was watching every subtle nuance. "Hey, watch as I spin it around my neck and lift my arm." "Watch as I spin it around my neck to the left." "Watch as I spin it around my neck to the right." "Watch as I spin it around my neck with my eyes closed." "Watch a s I spin it around my neck and smile." "Are you watching?" Lol. That's Celie. Always in a state of perpetual motion. I think her nic name should be blur.
Below Nanna is Alyssa. She always seems to take the sweetest pictures. I guess she saves all her sweetness for film. ;) Because every other time she is ms sassy-pants. She is beginning to trod in her big sister's footsteps with a wee it less melodrama. Its with pictures like this one that remind me of my tiny bug-a-buddy from yester-years.
Below Alyssa is Miranda and Jonathan. They had fun running around being kids and eating. They both have a passion for sneaking as many desserts as they possibly can in on one holiday. They are even in cahoots and use each other to get away with more brownies an rice crispy treats than one should ever possibly stomach in a day's time. Funny, they think I don't notice.
The little feet are Miranda's. She insisted on the frilly white socks with open toed sandals. Drove me bonkers, but in the end I had to snap a picture. Definitely one for the baby books. I sound like a seasoned mother now. How often I catch myself saying, "Gosh- it just goes by all too fast!"
Lastly, is a picture of my Grandfather and I. In a phrase, I adore him. Yet, that phrase doesn't even sum it up well. Its been a rough year for him without my grandmother. Her passing was just a few weeks before Easter and Easter was always her favorite holiday. So this Easter, like the last, had a tinge of sadness. We all miss her but no one as much as Grandpa. I was just excited to be able to take a picture without him flipping off the camera. lol. You'd have to know him to understand how that is just a part of his English wit and devilish charm.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

A spring picnic

... at O'Neil park was just what the weather ordered. So after our easter egg hunt, I set a picnic for Grandma Faith, Grandpa Gary and the Hansens.

The Menu: Ice cold Lemonade, Croissant Sandwiches, Chicken Bow tie Pasta salad and fruit. Don't forget the brownies for dessert.

A little country living.

Jonathan takes an after lunch siesta

Alyssa warms herself in the sun

And lastly, a catnap in the warm California sun for me. One of my favorite self-indulgent past times.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

It has been said that I am Wonder Woman....

... but this past weeekend I was. Along with Batman & Superman- I made a certain 3 year old in Yorba Linda a very happy birthday boy. No joke. I have never claimed to be normal. Now I have proof that I am not . I take solace in the fact that abnormality runs in the family. Below is my brother. He's my Batman when I need it.

Once you get past the whole looking like a complete idiot deal, this costume and wig can be fun.

The fact that the pecs and chisled abs are built into the costume make me laugh so hard I snort.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

So much happens in a year..... just amazes me how time seems to whiz by. Today marks the one year anniversary of the passing of my Grandmother Grace.
Its almost surreal to me that these pictures, my memories and her life-lessons are all that remain of the beautiful & lively woman I love so very much.

As you can see by the pictures, she cherished her very large and close knit family (who still remain so to this day)
Its so important to me to know that her wisdom and her memory will live on in the hearts of those she buried it in. My grandfather asked me to write a speech, honoring my grandmother, to be given at my Brother's wedding rehearsal dinner. It seems appropriate to include here:

Grandma’s Silent Wisdom

George Bernard Shaw once said, “There are two sources of unhappiness in life. One is not getting what you want; the other is getting it.” Humanity as a whole has been on a relentless quest for happiness. There are endless answers to the age old question: “What is the meaning of
life?” Popular media- television, print,
tell us that happiness is in things- acquiring possessions. The “more mentality” beckons us- especially during the holidays”: Jewelry adored models and packages wrapped in glittering bows shout above the silver bells, “More money, more toys- bigger is better and more is best!”
In her silent, chardonnay-sipping wisdom, my grandmother always told me life is not about the quest for happiness. For happiness in its very nature is elusive and can be as fickle as fate. Happiness is external, but joy, true joy can never be taken away. Joy, when found in the Lord is as unchanging as he is- “the same yesterday and today and forever.”
Sometimes happiness and joy commingle. Tonight and tomorrow for example, when you two say your marriage vows to each other surrounded by family and friends, you are deeply joyous and very happy. It’s so easy, when joy and happiness join hands- when everything is so right- to be thankful. Praise to God flows so naturally.
But the reality of life is: good times do not last forever-…….: When times get hard (and they will…..). When nothing seems to be going your way - (It often doesn’t).
The enemies of joy, worry and anxiety begin to creep in, so eagerly trying to rob you of the joy you have cherished so much. This is where Grandma’s silent wisdom really comes to good use. (It may not be coming from her mouth at this moment but know this came directly from her heart)…,

Do not be anxious about anything but in everything Pray.
Every circumstance, good and bad has
already passed before God’s almighty throne. He knows the plans he has for you and they are good.

You can rejoice and give thanks that the following will always be true:
Your sins are forgiven. You have been given the holy spirit to guide, encourage, comfort and empower you and lastly, you know you are moving toward the ultimate party, the party of a lifetime where you’ve sent in your rsvp, your name is on the list and God, the gracious host, along with our beloved family and friends are smiling and awaiting your arrival to remain forever in heaven.

This is my prayer for you, Krissy and Jeremy: That, as you embark on this journey of life together, may you strive to live a life filled with a sense of purpose, peace, joy and contentment. May you both come to deeply identify with the words of the apostle Paul when he wrote “I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances” and may you hold Grandma’s secret wisdom, God’s wisdom in your heart and with you always.

Easter in the Canyon....

... is a much anticipated time for the kids- especially the canyon Easter egg hunt put on by the Trabuco Canyon Women's Club. Every year these ladies host a fantastic (and free) hunt for the kids at the arboretum in O'neil park. Colorful plastic eggs filled with candy goodies are hidden among the vines, bark and bushes in the park and every single child has a blast trying to find the golden eggs- which, when turned in at the bake sale, gives a much sought after treat- Miss Berta's Bombastic brownies. (Heaven doesn't describe these treats. To put some perspective to how great these treats are: we bought 14 of them Last Saturday. Today.... not event 5 days later, there is not a trace of brownie to be found.) Below are pictures of the family as they hunt for their treasures. I am especially proud of my very fun, feather covered, homemade Easter baskets the girls are sporting!

Miranda: Her basket reminds me of a happy flamingo.


An action shot of Jonny

(Finally, a picture of him on here)

Miss Alyssa

Daddy protects "the goods" while Celie lugs her treasures.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


My baby brother is married. He married the charming Kristen Thomas last December and we were fortunate enough to be asked to be in the wedding.

Here are a few stolen moments:

Gary (my step-father) Faith(my mother) Jeremy (my brother), Kristen, Me , David
Miranda, Alyssa, Jonathan, Celie.
*gasp* Thanks, God, for saving this handsome man just for me. *sigh*

The Hansens

Hansen and Hansen Jr
Miranda, Celie & Alyssa: Three good reasons to own a shotgun.
Corinne (our house mate) and Miranda
Davids not one for male bonding (can you tell?)

Tiny dancer



And I saved my favorite one of David and I for last:

I think i'll cherish this one forever.