Thursday, April 17, 2008

Melted chocolate bunnies and empty plastic eggs...

... were all that remained of this Easter holiday spent at Faith and Gary Hoffman's house (my mom and step dad). I always enjoy the holidays. Maybe it's having most of the people I love all in one place. (To have them all, yes- you included, would be a dream come true.)
For the Easter pics, I tried something new... putting all my pictures in one jpeg. Its easier to upload but the pics seem so tiny. Sorry for all of you optically challenged. This blog thing is a work in progress for sure. The top picture is the girls Easter tea table that Corinne and I designed. The girls definitely benefit from Mom's business. This was our take on a county spring time tea. Little blue and white polka dot napkins. Yellow bubble gum eggs in white porcelain egg cups. It was adorable and made me want to be a "little princess" again so that I could fit in their chairs and have "tea" right along with them.
The next picture (left) is Nanna- the family dog. Her whole name (why my mother let the kids name her dog is beyond me) is "Nanna Anne Queen of England Hoffman." Not very diplomatic but it worked for them. Nanna- as we all call her, enjoyed chasing the kids and "hoovering" their scraps. Makes me almost wish I had a dog.
Next is Celie and her fabulous hula-hoop trickery. She spent a better part of 3 hours perfecting this trick and making sure everyone was watching every subtle nuance. "Hey, watch as I spin it around my neck and lift my arm." "Watch as I spin it around my neck to the left." "Watch as I spin it around my neck to the right." "Watch as I spin it around my neck with my eyes closed." "Watch a s I spin it around my neck and smile." "Are you watching?" Lol. That's Celie. Always in a state of perpetual motion. I think her nic name should be blur.
Below Nanna is Alyssa. She always seems to take the sweetest pictures. I guess she saves all her sweetness for film. ;) Because every other time she is ms sassy-pants. She is beginning to trod in her big sister's footsteps with a wee it less melodrama. Its with pictures like this one that remind me of my tiny bug-a-buddy from yester-years.
Below Alyssa is Miranda and Jonathan. They had fun running around being kids and eating. They both have a passion for sneaking as many desserts as they possibly can in on one holiday. They are even in cahoots and use each other to get away with more brownies an rice crispy treats than one should ever possibly stomach in a day's time. Funny, they think I don't notice.
The little feet are Miranda's. She insisted on the frilly white socks with open toed sandals. Drove me bonkers, but in the end I had to snap a picture. Definitely one for the baby books. I sound like a seasoned mother now. How often I catch myself saying, "Gosh- it just goes by all too fast!"
Lastly, is a picture of my Grandfather and I. In a phrase, I adore him. Yet, that phrase doesn't even sum it up well. Its been a rough year for him without my grandmother. Her passing was just a few weeks before Easter and Easter was always her favorite holiday. So this Easter, like the last, had a tinge of sadness. We all miss her but no one as much as Grandpa. I was just excited to be able to take a picture without him flipping off the camera. lol. You'd have to know him to understand how that is just a part of his English wit and devilish charm.

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