Wednesday, March 19, 2008

So much happens in a year..... just amazes me how time seems to whiz by. Today marks the one year anniversary of the passing of my Grandmother Grace.
Its almost surreal to me that these pictures, my memories and her life-lessons are all that remain of the beautiful & lively woman I love so very much.

As you can see by the pictures, she cherished her very large and close knit family (who still remain so to this day)
Its so important to me to know that her wisdom and her memory will live on in the hearts of those she buried it in. My grandfather asked me to write a speech, honoring my grandmother, to be given at my Brother's wedding rehearsal dinner. It seems appropriate to include here:

Grandma’s Silent Wisdom

George Bernard Shaw once said, “There are two sources of unhappiness in life. One is not getting what you want; the other is getting it.” Humanity as a whole has been on a relentless quest for happiness. There are endless answers to the age old question: “What is the meaning of
life?” Popular media- television, print,
tell us that happiness is in things- acquiring possessions. The “more mentality” beckons us- especially during the holidays”: Jewelry adored models and packages wrapped in glittering bows shout above the silver bells, “More money, more toys- bigger is better and more is best!”
In her silent, chardonnay-sipping wisdom, my grandmother always told me life is not about the quest for happiness. For happiness in its very nature is elusive and can be as fickle as fate. Happiness is external, but joy, true joy can never be taken away. Joy, when found in the Lord is as unchanging as he is- “the same yesterday and today and forever.”
Sometimes happiness and joy commingle. Tonight and tomorrow for example, when you two say your marriage vows to each other surrounded by family and friends, you are deeply joyous and very happy. It’s so easy, when joy and happiness join hands- when everything is so right- to be thankful. Praise to God flows so naturally.
But the reality of life is: good times do not last forever-…….: When times get hard (and they will…..). When nothing seems to be going your way - (It often doesn’t).
The enemies of joy, worry and anxiety begin to creep in, so eagerly trying to rob you of the joy you have cherished so much. This is where Grandma’s silent wisdom really comes to good use. (It may not be coming from her mouth at this moment but know this came directly from her heart)…,

Do not be anxious about anything but in everything Pray.
Every circumstance, good and bad has
already passed before God’s almighty throne. He knows the plans he has for you and they are good.

You can rejoice and give thanks that the following will always be true:
Your sins are forgiven. You have been given the holy spirit to guide, encourage, comfort and empower you and lastly, you know you are moving toward the ultimate party, the party of a lifetime where you’ve sent in your rsvp, your name is on the list and God, the gracious host, along with our beloved family and friends are smiling and awaiting your arrival to remain forever in heaven.

This is my prayer for you, Krissy and Jeremy: That, as you embark on this journey of life together, may you strive to live a life filled with a sense of purpose, peace, joy and contentment. May you both come to deeply identify with the words of the apostle Paul when he wrote “I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances” and may you hold Grandma’s secret wisdom, God’s wisdom in your heart and with you always.

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