Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Hansen Family Talents

I have always claimed that my family has a wide range of talents. We know that Alyssa is a ham when it comes to singing and Celie is a whizz with her infectious laugh and people skills and Jonathan can charm just about anything with his wit but I bet you didn't know that a Hansen NOSE is a tool of talent as well. Around the dinner table we discovered the Hansen nose talents. (They can do this amazing nostril feat without the aide of fingers. )

Go ahead. Try it. Inhale sharply and try to get your nostrils to close. I dare you......

Not easy. Is it?

David thinks they look like little old men.... looking at it, I'd have to agree. Jonathan, in my opinion, looks like a cabbage patch doll.

How Celie can do this with her mouth open astounds me!

Jonathan's technique includes some pretty talented lips as well.

1 comment:

Loren and Coleen said...

I remember Alyssa doing this when she was really young but had no idea it was a family trait!! HILARIOUS PICTURES!!!
